Skin Cancer Services

Skin Cancer Services

Before your appointment, please ensure your make-up is removed before the consultation. It is also preferable to remove your nail polish to assist with examination. We also recommend you examine areas covered by undergarments at home and alert the doctor to any concerning spots during your skin check.

Skin checks

Carried out by our fully qualified doctors, we can perform full-body checks and mole mapping

Spot Photography

Where suitable, suspicious spots can be monitored using high resolution digital photography.

Total Body Photography

Photographs of your body can be carried out and analysed using artificial intelligence provided by Dermengine™

Photodynamic Therapy

PDT is an intelligent method to treat aging sun-damaged skin. Applying specially formulated cream and utilising medical grade LEDs, we can selectively treat abnormal skin, including certain skin cancers.


A small sample may sometimes be required to confirm diagnosis and to fine-tune treatment.


Considered the gold standard in the treatment of skin cancer. Our goal is to provide top-level care. We use techniques and materials to minimise scarring and optimise your comfort.

Diathermy and Curettage

A careful selection of skin cancers can be treated with this destructive method, without the need for any suturing.


Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze targeted skin cells, thus destroying the abnormal tissue. This is a quick, relatively efficacious and cost effective solution to treat most sun spots as well as select skin cancers.

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